Narrowboat Repairs. Narrowboat Refits – Kate Boats – Quality Narrowboat Hire

Narrowboat Repairs - Narrowboat Refits - Quality narrowboat hire on the unique canals in the Heart of England, Whether you're looking for a family holiday with a difference or just want to unwind and take life at a more tranquil pace the canals are your answer.

Narrowboat Repairs. Narrowboat Refits – Kate Boats – Quality Narrowboat Hire

Narrowboat Repairs – Narrowboat Refits. Quality Narrowboat Hire In The Heart Of England
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Narrowboat Repairs - Canal Holidays

Narrowboat Refits &#38 Narrowboat Repairs

Narrowboat hire and building, also servicing as well as providing canal side services such as moorings, water, elsan disposal and pump out facilities. We sell diesel and Calor gas, souvenirs, maps, books and chandlery.

Looking for information regarding Narrowboat Repairs or Narrowboat Refits?

Kate Boats, Warwick a family run firm, whether you’re looking for a family holiday with a difference or just want to unwind and take life at a more tranquil pace, each boat in our fleet provides a level of comfort and convenience that is normally associated with privately owned craft. The tradition of naming boats after family members continues and gives each boat a personality as unique as your waterways experience.  – more…

Canal HolidaysThink Narrowboat Repairs – think Narrowboat Refits – think

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